Thursday, August 31, 2006

Visit with the grandparents--my parents could not come right when we got home from the hospital, but Noni (my mom) arrived on Thursday, August 3rd and we picked Abuelito (Lito for short) (my dad) at the Atlanta airport on Saturday, August 5th. He had been in Brazil and made it when he could. They stayed until Friday, August 11th and were quite sad to leave. Yes, Noni shed some tears to leave the little guy. It might be Christmas before we have another visit.
The grandparents chose their own names. Abuelito is Grandpa in Spanish, but he might use Lito for short. My mom just liked Noni. Anthony's parents already have grandchildren so they were already named--Dee and Pop.
All are proud grandparents!

Dad's job--giving the bath
Elan likes taking baths. We like the way his hair sticks up after the bath! These pictures are just sponge baths, but he has now had his first tub bath. I will post some pictures of that soon.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Welcome Elan Ason McClain! Elan was born Friday, July 28th at 6:39 AM. He weighed 6 lbs 5.6 oz and was 19 inches long. He was a big surprise as his due date was actually August 25th. Anthony and Kirsten got home from a mission trip to Mexico on Saturday, July 22nd, and Kirsten was waking Anthony up on Thursday night around midnight thinking the baby was coming. Sure enough! He really was ready to enter this world...

Labor went fairly quickly as we arrived at the hospital around 2:30 AM on Friday morning and he was born soon after that. After a few days in the hopsital, we came home on Sunday, July 31st.
Name significance:
We wanted something different but not weird. We thought Elan was close enough to Evan and Ethan to not be too odd. It is actually the Hebrew word for tree, and since dad is an arborist, this is a great name meaning for our family. His middle name is a way of naming him after dad. Anthony's nickname is "A", so we thought we would go with A-son like A's son. A little similar to Anson which we had heard before, but we just made his middle name up. By the way, his first name is pronounced like Ethan only with an "L". Maybe not too many people will think it is E-LON or Ellen.