Friday, December 29, 2006
Elan saw the doctor on December 21st, and he weighed 14 lbs 14 oz. By now he must be 15 pounds. He got his 4 month shots. A growing boy...
Babysitter blues
Elan has started a new BAD trend--crying for the sitter. He screamed two weeks ago when we went to a youth Christmas party and we had to come home. Turns out he did the same thing last night again. Last night we had a formal wedding to go to, and he pitched several fits again. Hmmm...not sure what mommy and daddy will do. We are happy he loves us so much, but we have to get out sometimes! There may be no sitters who will keep him after he screams, but we are going to keep trying.
Elan has started a new BAD trend--crying for the sitter. He screamed two weeks ago when we went to a youth Christmas party and we had to come home. Turns out he did the same thing last night again. Last night we had a formal wedding to go to, and he pitched several fits again. Hmmm...not sure what mommy and daddy will do. We are happy he loves us so much, but we have to get out sometimes! There may be no sitters who will keep him after he screams, but we are going to keep trying.
Elan took his first long trip which also happened to be his first trip to his grandparents' house. He did fine in the car on the way there which mainly meant that he slept most of the time. That had mommy a little worried and for good reason--when nighttime came, he didn't quite want to go to sleep. That was a trend that continued throughout the trip. Even though we kept his routine the same and had his go-to-sleep CD of music, he still had trouble staying asleep in a new place. He woke up for an hour every night at either 10, 11, or 12. He also woke up a few other times, but usually went back to sleep after 10 minutes or so. Needless to say, mommy and daddy were very tired!
We went to visit some friends, the Kalanys. The first photo is with Samantha, their oldest daughter. (I taught her swim lessons when she was 3 and 4 years old. Yes I am getting OLD!). We also spent time with Noni and Lito (grandparents) and Tia (Katie) who gave him baths. His Aunt Erika also enjoyed time with Elan.
He was a perfect baby for the Christmas Eve service--slept through most of it.
Elan's ride home was a little better, and as soon as he got home, he went right back to sleeping!
Also, he started drinking some water from a sippy cup while at the grandparents house. What a big boy he is becoming!
Friday, December 08, 2006
YAAAAYYYY! Cereal! Elan has been sleeping through the night most every night for 2 months but decided about a week ago that he would wake up 2-3 times each night. After a very tired mommy called the doctor, she said we could start cereal. Amazing appetite this boy has! He took all of mommy's milk and then a whole bowl of cereal. Either the growth spurt was over, or the cereal did the trick. For the last two nights, he has slept through the night again. Thank goodness. Here are some cute pictures of the cereal feeding, a new bath picture, and a picture in one of his dressier outfits.

At 4 months old, Elan weighed 13 lbs 8 oz. He is beginning to roll over. He has already rolled from belly to back, though we think he forgot how he did it. He can roll from side to side when he is on his back. He has been giving us a little trouble taking bottles after taking them since a week after birth. It seems he is preferring to nurse from his mommy, which may give us a bit of trouble when the babysitter comes!