Monday, February 26, 2007
Does this look like a big boy to you? Well he is! Last Wednesday he went to the doctor to get shots and a check-up. He weighed 17 lbs 8 oz and is 26 1/2 inches long. No teeth yet, but as you can see, he chews everything. No crawling yet, but he is getting close.
Elan had a busy weekend! On Saturday (Feb 24th), we went to visit Anthony's Aunt Dot who lives in an assisted living place. Elan had never met her. Then we drug him to Anthony's basketball game in the same town, a restaurant, and then back to Rome for a Berry College men's basketball game. He was a pretty good boy considering!

First haircut (Feb 20th)...this is not a great picture, but it took two of us to manage to hold the boy, cut the hair. try to keep him still, and try to take a picture. We didn't cut much, but just a little to get the hair above the ears on the sides. A few ladies told me what a nice little girl I had, and I knew we had to get some hair cut.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Elan can stay in a sitting position, but not for too long without falling to one side. He still can't get into the sitting position by himself. We got him weighed yesterday, and he was 16 lbs 12 oz before eating and 17 lbs 1 oz after eating. He has now added peas to the list of foods he eats. Next week he will go for another wellness checkup and probably some shots.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Elan has a new sweater (and blanket) from a friend who made it by hand for him. His list of firsts for this week include trying zuchinni (seemed to like it fine) and pushing his walker backwards just a little. His feet barely touch the floor, but he can just move it a little bit. He continues to enjoy eating his feet and is still working on rolling over, getting into a crawling position, and then getting mad because he is not going anywhere. His little cheeks are rosy in this picture because the cold, dry winter weather has his skin a little chapped.