Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The dog towel...We have been meaning to take some pictures of Elan in his towel. Every night before his bath he gets the towel, wants it on his head, and Anthony sings the superman song for him to run to the shower. Thanks to the Kalanys for a great gift for him. He loves it!
Friday, July 11, 2008
July 9th fun at Rocky Mountain-There is place near here that has a lake with a beach on it. Elan and I went with a friend and her son to visit this week. They had a lot of fun playing in the sand and the water. Elan is a little daredevil when it comes to the water. You can see he got a little far out and I had to go get him! Thank goodness for floaties!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
4th of July weekend--Elan has had a great weekend! On Friday the 4th we went to our church for a party with our Sunday school class. You will see some pictures here of his shirt which said Little Firecracker. He can't say cracker so he said firecrack. He also heard us saying fireworks and kept saying that word. We bought him some snap and pops to throw on the ground, but he needed to stomp them to get them to pop. I also took one picture of him in his sunglasses. His daddy said "Hollywood" to him, and he thinks that is funny. He loved the fireworks and said all the colors he saw and kaboom and was wide-eyed. He was actually whinining for more when they were over.
On Saturday after the 4th, we took the top off the Jeep (which he loved) and drove to the Pocket (National forest land near here). We went to the picnic area where there is a spring and water to wade in. He had a blast even though the water was so cold I couldn't put a foot in it. He waded in it and put his hands in it, and when he fell down every now and then he said "ah cold" but didn't care. We had to drag him out to warm him up, and then we let him get back in. He still whined and cried "agua" when we left, but we were really afraid he might get hypothermia. His little legs and arms were so cold to the touch. But it was fun!