Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Halloween fun--Elan es un avion...or in English...Elan is an airplane! Although Halloween hasn't officially come yet, we went to a trunk or treat at our old church. Elan loved his costume! He was getting the idea of getting candy in his basket too. He wanted to open every dum dum lollipop before even finishing one.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Elan's new dog--we don't have a name yet, but Anthony insisted on getting Elan another dog. These pictures show one of the first days of playing with the dog. It is supposed to be a big dog, and it is male which is what Anthony wants. Maybe he'll keep this one! The mother is supposed to be a lab, and the father is supposed to be a black lab.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Elan's sister arrived on October 6th. So far he is pretty indifferent towards her, though he is definitely trying to demand more attention from mom and dad. The other pictures show one of his favorite things to do...try on mommy and daddy's shoes. It is quite hilarious to watch him walk in heels! Elan enjoyed a visit from Noni and Lito when his sister arrived.

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