Friday, July 31, 2009
Elan wants to climb in the bed with his sister when we go get her when she wakes up from a nap. It made for some sweet moments. She thinks he is so funny and laughs, and he just rolls around and tries to make her laugh even more.
Play date with Taylor--we haven't seen Taylor for a play date in about a year, and it was fun. Elan needs to play with girl toys every now and then :). Thanks to Ashley for letting us come over!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Happy Birthday, Elan! Yesterday was Elan's 3rd birthday. Dee and Pop came over for dinner and cake and ice cream and presents. Mommy had 2 surprise cakes for him, a dump truck and a bulldozer. He was very excited this year for his birthday. We want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who called, emailed, and sent cards and gifts. Elan appreciated all of it!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Lake Winnepasokah--I have no clue how to really spell that so the fact they go by Lake Winnie is much better! Anyway, Elan has been on one ride a long time ago, so this was fun for him. You can see from the pictures that he had fun, learned how to buckle himself in, and I guess he learned what an amusement park is! It was hot, so we had enough after a few hours but it was fun.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Elan loves the swings. When we go to the park, he only wants to stay in the swings. He hasn't grown tired of the baby swings yet. Works out well since Ellery likes them least for everyone except mommy who gets tired of pushing!

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Elan's second campout--Elan had stayed in a tent back at the end of May at a McClain family reunion, but here is the second time. Some friends came and camped out in our woods on Friday night. The boys had a good time. The food was a little disaster. You are not supposed to wrap food in tin foil (even heavy duty) and put it in the center of the fire on the coals (perhaps only the side coals) and then leave it for 40 minutes (maybe more like 20 minutes). If you do, the following pictures show the results. Actually these pictures show the edible and best food. There were some very BLACK pieces of food. Luckily we were camping at home with a fridge of leftovers nearby. Mommy just made the sacrifice and slept inside with Ellery instead of enjoying the tent.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Fun at the "beach"--We went to Rocky Mountain with some friends from church and enjoyed the lake water and sand at their beach. We had a picnic and checked out the playground. Fun for all!

Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Creek--There is a creek just a few miles from our house, and we went there on Saturday evening. We began with a Jeep ride which Elan loves, and then when we got there he was able to swim and go in the canoe with daddy. We had a nice picnic dinner before heading to Sonic for ice cream. The water was too cold for mommy and Ellery so we just watched.