Monday, November 23, 2009
I am not posting the pictures from last Sunday evening's trip to the barn. Back in July Aunt Teresa promised Elan a ride on her horse. We finally got around to doing it. Elan had fun, but we will post the pictures on our Christmas card this year. He is getting harder and harder to photograph since he doesn't want to look at the camera, or he makes a silly smile. But we managed to catch this shot Sunday before church.

The two kids passed out in the car after a fun morning at mommy's soccer game and Chuck E Cheese. We told Elan we were going to a surprise place where you eat and play, and his guess was McDonalds. But it was even better when he learned he could earn tickets and get a prize. Since we didn't have enough tickets and Anthony didn't want him to be disappointed, we helped to buy the rest of the tickets so he could get a matchbox car. Hmmm...a $5 matchbox car! I think driving the monster truck was his favorite!

Sunday, November 08, 2009
Trip to Maryland--Last week we went to Baltimore to visit Burchams. Granny has pancreatic cancer, but she looked great. She and Pappy both had fun with the kids. Elan missed his daddy who was at an arborist convention there. Fun trip, but everyone was happy to be home again.

Fall weather at Berry College--Berry has new dorms and new chairs beside it. Last Thursday, October 29th, we met some friends for a walk and some playtime. Snapped a pic or two while there.

Elan was responsible for snack for preschool the last week of October. I made frogs, pencils, and spider crackers. I think the kids enjoyed it.

Saturday, November 07, 2009
More Halloween pics...This blog will not let me organize the pictures anymore. Not sure what I am doing wrong, but sorry they are sort of out of order. I am just going to caption with the pictures...
Elan and Ellery enjoying some party food at a MOPS Halloween party
Elan marching around the gym at his preschool Halloween parade. Hilarious because the teacher said to follow this line on the floor, and he was quite focused on it!