Saturday, May 29, 2010


Last weekend we made homemade strawberry ice cream with berries from the patch. It was yummy!


Elan was a little elephant, and a cute one at that, for his end of the year program (a Circus). It is hard to believe the school year is over, but I am glad! No packing lunches and running up and down the road to preschool.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Northwest GA balloon festival--a little disappointing because the weather didn't cooperate to get the balloons up any more than this picture shows, but Elan didn't care anyway. He was more excited about his Jeep ride, the duck pond to win a prize, and his hot dog.


Elan's last soccer practice--he played for four Fridays which was a good length so he was still asking for more and not asking to stay at home. After this "game", they got popsicles, trophy, and tshirt. He really enjoyed it, and maybe he can play again in the fall.


April 30th--we went to the mall to play in the play area, but the kids would rather sit on the toys that you are supposed to put money in...but mommy is too cheap!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Rome Braves Game with preschool--Elan and his daddy went to see the Rome Braves play baseball on May 4th. He had a great time watching the game, but the highlight was Romey and Roxey, the mascots.


May 13th Elan's class took a walk to the downtown fountains in Rome and had an end of the year party. He had a blast! Nice way to spend some tax money so we can all enjoy.

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