Friday, January 28, 2011


One more snow pic-- the snow stayed on the ground for a little over a week. Towards the end it was easier to build a snowman when it started to melt and wasn't so icy.


My little pirate---Elan was studying the letter X last week at school, and they had an "x" marks the spot treasure hunt. He was supposed to dress as a pirate. He came up with this good "argh" and pirate face to help make the costume complete!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Elan LOVED the snow. Several video clips capturing some of the fun. Too bad this may be the most snow he sees in his childhood!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


snowstorm 2011--what a time it has been for these southern folks! Had to do some redneck sledding with the Jeep pulling a homemade sled. Elan had a blast. Too bad he thinks snow is common now that we had it last year and this year. This may be all the snow he sees his whole childhood, but with snow two years in a row, he doesn't understand that! The dog was killed by a car on Sunday (and Elan witnessed it) so we don't have any great pictures of the dog running in the snow like we did last year. Elan says he is sad!


New towels--pictures always bring out the best in Elan so he was about crying in one picture from getting threatened to be happy and smile! These towels are more like costumes, but they sure made bathtime fun.


What sometimes happens when Elan does not take a nap...he did not want to take a nap this particular day, but when he was "released" from his room for naptime, he came downstairs and was listening to music and rocking. He rocked himself right to sleep. He was quite proud of some new mittens I got for himt hat day, so it made for a funny picture.


New Year's eve--Elan has been bugging us to use the big tub in our bathroom so that was the new year's treat!

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