Monday, June 20, 2011
Fountains at Town Green--we have been to the fountains a couple times this summer, one of Rome's finest outdoor activities for children--for FREE! We had fun with our friends the Fultons, and their grandparents. Pouring cups of water was especially the fun idea this past time.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
We upgraded our pool this year after last year's pool finally gave out after 7 years. It is a little bigger this year, and Elan is thrilled because it has a ladder! He will be taking swim lessons this summer, so maybe he can practice soon.
Elan's end of the year program and awards--all the kids received an award, and he got the Bible knowledge award. Thanks to his daddy for doing some reading at night with him and Sunday school teachers who have taught him a lot! His class performed a song from Toy Story as part of the going to the movies theme for their program (which is why he has on cowboy boots and the shirt/jeans).