Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lots of Easter pics! We went to an egg hunt with our church, and we did an egg hunt in the yard, and we dyed eggs at home. A friend from MOPS took the pictures with the live bunny. Lots of good pictures and good memories!

Elan and his legos! He was so proud of his tower and told me to take a picture, so we did!

Elan was not too old to enjoy egg hunts this year. In fact, he had the idea down of getting the most eggs. He wanted to use a plastic bag at his class egg hunt because it would hold more than a basket/bucket! The first pics are his class egg hunt where the Easter bunny showed up. It was a fun day. The teacher had them make bunny hats.
The second group of pictures are from a MOPS egg hunt. He was the oldest one there so we had to have a lecture about saving eggs for the little kids. He had a fun time, though.

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