Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Elan's end of the year program--in the last video of their graduation song, he was half out of it. I guess he was tired from the other performance and a busy week of activities. It was a fun day to watch their program!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Various pictures--beginning with bedtime storytime with daddy which is enough of an event to warrant a picture. Pictures of our KY visit with Noni and Lito at beginning of June. Big Bone Lick state park and the bison were interesting! The last two pictures are things that Elan created--an airplane and a flag. These treasures can't all be saved, so pictures are a great way to preserve the memories of the inventor in his head!

Since Elan has done so well with swimming lesson this year, this time was his first trip to Rocky Mountain without wearing a life vest. He was super excited about that. He enjoyed the day with his swim lesson buddy, Collin.

May 15th--Last day of school program. The program was At The Movies, and Elan was a muscle man. This was his last day at Rome First School, but he is excited to go to Glenwood next year. In his "graduation program", he was supposed to be singing, but he acted pretty tired and zoned out. I guess he was tired from lifting the weights during the other program! He will miss his preschool friends.

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