Thursday, October 12, 2006

Elan is 11 weeks old today. On Monday of this week I took him to the surgeon in Atlanta who checked his incision from his surgery. She said he is all healed up. On Tuesday I took him to get him weighed. After eating, he weighed 11 lbs and 1/2 ounce. Still a growing boy!
Last weekend my college roommate and her husband came to visit (Caroline and Barry). We all had a good time with Elan.
This week has been an exceptionally good week for Elan. Many people know I am following a book called Babywise. It really does work! The first weeks are hard, but it falls into place. Elan now eats every three hours, with his day beginning between 7 and 7:30 AM. He eats, stays up for another hour or hour and a half, and when he gets fussy, goes down for a nap (to hopefully last an hour). The nap times used to involve up to 45 minutes of crying. Now he has learned nap time means go to sleep. I can lay him down, and he is often literally asleep in 5 minutes (no crying!). At eight weeks and a few days, he slept through the night, skipped a night, and slept through the night again. Then he had the surgery which got him off for a few days. After another week, he is now sleeping through the night some nights. He slept through Sat night, missed Sun night, did it again Mon and Tues night, but not last night. He eats at 7 PM or 7:30 PM and goes to bed about 9 PM. If he wakes up at all, it tends to be between 4 and 5:30 AM.
Sorry I haven't written sooner--I have not had my computer.
Here are a few of the latest pics we have taken...