Monday, April 30, 2007
He has tried ground beef pureed, and he didn't really like it. We worked on it for a week, and maybe it was the texture he didn't like. Today we tried chicken pureed for the first time, and he seemed to like it better. It was much smoother in texture.
He is getting his bottom two teeth. Both have broken through the skin now, but they are slow in coming in.
Today he was weighed and measured, and he weighs 19 lbs 2 oz and is 28 1/2 inches long. This is about 50th percentile for length and between 10 and 25th percentile for weight. Guess we can't say he is a fat baby anymore. (Maybe he never was!)
In these pictures he is wearing his dinosaur outfit that makes him look like he is on safari, thanks to his grandparents.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Another of Elan's buddies...This is Elan and Hunter. Hunter's mom played college soccer at Berry, and back when I played, we were friends. We lost touch a little, but we have a lot in common now and we are mommy buddies. We are hoping our boys will be baby buddies! They are 6 weeks apart.
Hunter and Elan are good examples of how babies can really differ but still be very healthy. Hunter is a good bit smaller than Elan as you can see in the picture, but he is an expert crawler. He pulls up to stand and can get around very well. Elan has not figured out either of those skills yet. Hunter can also wave and kiss and do some other little tricks. We are working on teaching Elan, and maybe he will learn in the coming weeks. Hunter also has teeth which Elan does not have! Elan likes to squeal very loudly, but Hunter does not get as loud as Elan. Anyway, they are different but both are sweet, healthy boys!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Easter fun! We had our old gang of friends to our house on Saturday night, April 7th. Elan was with his buddy Will who is 10 weeks younger than Elan. Elan is enjoying getting on top of mommy and daddy's shoulders so the second picture shows that. The third and fourth pictures are Elan opening his basket from his Noni and Lito. His bunny bib was made by his great Aunt Barbara. (That was his church outfit too.) The last picture is of the McClain family after our Easter lunch.
We have just added yogurt to his diet, but that is about the only change. Saturday he did make some more progress towards crawling as he raised himself up on his knees and rocked back and forth.

We have just added yogurt to his diet, but that is about the only change. Saturday he did make some more progress towards crawling as he raised himself up on his knees and rocked back and forth.
Monday, April 02, 2007
In recent days we have seen him begin to do push-ups. He has been rolling over and getting up on his arms for several weeks. We keep waiting for him to learn to crawl by getting his legs involved. Just in the last few days he has put his legs under him a few times. He is definitely moving around the living room, just not by crawling.