8 months old--these pictures were taken on his 8 month old birthday. We also had him weighed so that we could calculate percentiles. He is 18 lbs 12 oz, and approximately 28 inches long (it is hard to get him to stay still to get his length). Although his whole family says how much he is growing, that is only about 28th percentile for weight and 52nd percentile for length. I guess he started out small, though, so he has come a long way.
In recent days we have seen him begin to do push-ups. He has been rolling over and getting up on his arms for several weeks. We keep waiting for him to learn to crawl by getting his legs involved. Just in the last few days he has put his legs under him a few times. He is definitely moving around the living room, just not by crawling.
# posted by Kirsten @ 4:08 AM