Monday, April 30, 2007
He has tried ground beef pureed, and he didn't really like it. We worked on it for a week, and maybe it was the texture he didn't like. Today we tried chicken pureed for the first time, and he seemed to like it better. It was much smoother in texture.
He is getting his bottom two teeth. Both have broken through the skin now, but they are slow in coming in.
Today he was weighed and measured, and he weighs 19 lbs 2 oz and is 28 1/2 inches long. This is about 50th percentile for length and between 10 and 25th percentile for weight. Guess we can't say he is a fat baby anymore. (Maybe he never was!)
In these pictures he is wearing his dinosaur outfit that makes him look like he is on safari, thanks to his grandparents.