Monday, January 28, 2008


Elan is 18 months old today, and Lito says it is time for a blog update. I tried to get his weight this morning at the women's center at the mall, but they said he would break their scale. I guess we'll have to wait until the next doctor's visit! His Dee wanted a picture of him in his Carhart jacket that he got from his Aunt Teresa for Christmas. So yesterday we finally had a day outside when it was not freezing cold, and we took a few pictures. I wish the pictures captured the mud and dirt on him! He had fun exploring.
His latest skill was learning how to use a fork last week. Unfortunately, it didn't encourage him to eat real food. He just used it for his bread pieces and banana pieces. So we continue on with the baby food...
No new words either. His favorite thing to say is hey mama or hey dada. It sounds similar to hi, but not exactly.

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