Monday, October 25, 2010
Halloween fun has begun! Saturday night we carved the pumpkin. Elan was in an especially good picture-taking mood (quite unusual for him) so he was posing on the mulch pile in the backyard and the slide while we were outside. Usually he can't make any kind of smile for a picture, so these pictures were really suprisingly good. Then yesterday Frosty the snowman made his debut for trunk or treat at New Armuchee Baptist Church. Thanks to an aunt who has good plans, a grandmother who can sew, and mom who tried to do the rest, we managed to make a costume he wants to wear! One picture of a banana ghost pop that will be used at his class party later this week is included. I had to do a test run to be sure it would work, and Elan enjoyed tasting it. Should be a fun week with many more parties and festivities to come!